Sunday Children’s Services 9 and 10:45am
This week’s lesson
Today, we’re learning about gifts that are like treasures to us.
Let’s try a cool thing to find out about how the eye processes light!
Take a look at this heart. What are its colors? Green and yellow, right?
When you’re ready, stare at the black dot in the center of this heart for twenty seconds.
Can you see the new heart? What color is it?
Just like our eyes need light to see, we need Jesus to show us things God cares about.
Is money forever? No, it’s not. Money can run out, get stolen, or be destroyed by fire.
Can our cool toys and electronics last forever? Or what about being popular? Nope!
Only God’s promises are forever. We need to follow the light, which is Jesus, to see what God cares about and ultimately, what we can care about too!
What are some things you care about?
What are some things you think God cares about? How about being kind to others? Obeying Him? Sharing our things? Standing up for what is right? Believing in His Son, Jesus? Telling others about Jesus?
In this next video, Faith shows us how to make a list of things we care about… and how to compare them with things God cares about. This is a great project for your family to do together!
What can happen to treasures on earth?
Where does Jesus say we should store our treasures?
What does it mean that the eye is the lamp of the body?
Read Matthew 6:21. Why do you think our heart is where our treasure is?
What are some examples of heavenly treasure?
What do you think Jesus meant when he said he was the light of the world?
How can we be a light to the people around us in our everyday lives?
Remember THIS
The Bible says God’s Word is like a lamp that shows us where to go when it’s dark. Remember, we need light to see what God cares about, and that light is Jesus!
Jesus shows us how we can care about the things God cares about! Let’s pray and thank Him.
Dear God, please light my path so I can see the things You care about. Help me remember that You care about things that are forever. Thank you for loving us and caring about us so much that You gave us the Bible to light our path and show us the way to a happy life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Here’s a playlist for you to praise God all week!
I will extol the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt His name together. Psalm 34:1