1.17.21 – Blessings

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Sunday Children’s Services 9 and 10:45am

Hey there, C4KIDS!  We welcome you to join us Sunday mornings for our children’s services at 9 and 10:45am.
Children ages Pre-K to 6th grade meet in the Purple Room 123 for worship, learning, encouragement and FUN,
all straight from God’s Word!  If ever you can’t make it, you can still find what you missed right here on this page,
updated for our children’s services weekly.

This week’s lesson


Today we’re unboxing gifts from God that we call “blessings”!  Did you ever receive a blessing?  What does “blessing” mean to you? 

In the Bible, a blessing is something God gives us out of His kindness. God doesn’t have to give us blessings, but He chooses to.

God gives us blessings as a gift.  Sometimes a blessing is something you need for today, like clothes or food–but other times a blessing can be something that lasts forever, like God’s love.

Blessings from God allow us to feel loved by God!


You know what’s special about blessings? You get them from God, and you can give them to other people!

Then when other people are feeling God’s love, this makes them happy.  They’ll want to give blessings to others, too!

And the joy of God’s blessing will go around and around and around…


There might have been a time when someone gave you a gift to encourage you. Have you ever been sick and someone sent you a card, balloon, or teddy bear as a get well gift?

When we’re feeling down and someone shows us they care, that’s a gift to us! It doesn’t have to be a physical thing.

God does this for us, too.  When we need encouragement, God blesses us with peace and joy that can only be given by God. 


What are the different blessings God has given you?

Think about the people God puts in your life, the gifts God gives us to help others, the promises God made to us, and the things that help us know we’re loved.

Let’s get a white square sheet of paper, and–using crayons or markers–write as many blessings as you can think of on it.

Now, turn the paper over and decorate the back side.  When you’re finished, follow these video instructions to fold your paper into an origami gift box.

Write “Gifts God Gave Me” somewhere on the front of your origami box.

Your gift box can to help you remember God loves you and continues to bless you.

Any time you need to remember your blessings, open the box to see your list. God gives us blessings as gifts.

This next craft is something you can make for someone else who has been a blessing to you, or for someone who just needs a blessing from you!

Faith shows us how to make Blessings in a greeting card.  You can find and print the card template here.

The best gifts aren’t from a store, they’re from God!  God loves us more than anyone ever could.

And God doesn’t give us gifts simply because we deserve them or because we’ve earned them.

God gives us gifts because HE is just that good to us.  And every gift God gives to us is “good and perfect.”

The best gifts we could ever receive are the blessings God gives to us.


  • What are blessings?
  • What kinds of people does Jesus say are “blessed” according to Matthew 5?
  • What are the blessings God will give to them?
  • Reread James 1:17. What are some “good and perfect gifts” and blessings God has given you?
  • Describe what it would be like to be “poor in spirit,” “pure in heart,” or anything of the others things Jesus talked about in Matthew 5.
  • Which of those things do you find the most challenging?
  • Why do you think God give us blessings?

Remember THIS

God blesses us because God is good.  He blesses us when we’re feeling down, and when we’re not.  He blesses us with our daily needs and with eternal rewards.

Blessings are gifts God gives us. When you receive a blessing, it’s a great idea to share with others how God has blessed you.

When others hear how God has blessed you, they’ll then have hope that God would bless them, too!

Let’s thank God now for His blessings!
Dear God, thank You for blessing us. We are most grateful for the blessing of Your Son Jesus, who came to show us Your love when He gave Himself up as a sacrifice. Thank You for all the things You give us each and every day. Help us use the gifts You give us to help others.  Amen.

We can bless others this way, too.  Think of someone you can encourage this week!


Here’s a playlist for you to praise God all week!

I will extol the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt His name together. Psalm 34:1

Here’s a coloring page for younger ones to remember this lesson.

Have questions?  Want to comment or connect with us?  Find C4KIDS on facebook by clicking here:   

Hide God’s Word in your heart by memorizing this verse: